Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy


Lolotolotho, also written by Tolsto, a Russian-born Levinolovic, counts (counting) Tostis (born August 28 [September 9, New Style], 1828, Isanopolina, province) Tala, Russian Empire - passed away on November 7 [November 20]. 1910, Astapovo, Riazan Province) Russian author, real world novelist and one of the world's greatest novelists.

Tolsto is known for his two longest-running publications, "War and Peace" (1865-69) and Ana Carina (1875-77), which are generally considered the best novels. One that never happened. War and Peace seem to define this form for many readers and critics. Among the best-known examples of Tolstoy, the death of Ivan Ilich (1886) is usually considered the best example of a novel. Especially in the last three decades, Tolsto has gained worldwide recognition as a moral and religious teacher. His doctrine of nonviolence has a significant effect on Gandhi. Although Thomas Stoyle's religious ideas do not show respect for his interests, interests, life, and personality, nothing else has developed over the years.

Most readers would agree with the assessment of 19th-century English poet and 19th-century critic Matthew Arnold that Tolstoy's novels are not works of art but works of art. Russian author Isaac Babel commented that if the world could write on its own, it would be written like Tylist. Critics of the different schools agreed that Tyler's work turned away from all fiction. He emphasized his ability to observe the slightest changes in consciousness and to record the slightest movement of the body. What another novelist describes as a single conscious action, Tylisto collapses in unprecedented steps. According to British author Virginia Woolf, who regarded Tolsto as "the greatest of all novelists." These observational forces have caused some fear in readers who "want to escape the Greeks, turn us on." One who visited Tostius, an old man, also reported feeling uneasy when he seemed to understand their incredible thoughts. It is customary to describe him as divine in power and Titanic in his struggle to escape the limits of the human condition. Some considered Tuttle the embodiment of pure nature and vigor, others regarded him as the embodiment of world consciousness, but for almost everyone who knew him or read his works, he was not only a great writer. A wonderful person who once lived but symbolized the search for the meaning of life

The first year

Tolsto, an aristocratic nobleman, was born on a family land about 130 miles south of Moscow, where he spent most of his time writing his most important works. His mother, Mary Nikolaevna, niece of Princess Volkonska, passed away two years ago and was preceded in 1837 by Nikolay Ilyich's father, Earl (Tolstoy). Grandmother died 11 months later, and then her aunt, who was aunt in 1841, Tosto and four siblings, were transferred to care for another aunt in western Kazakhstan. Tolstoy described his cousin, who lived in Iasnaia Poliana, Tatyana Alexandrovna Iergolsk ("Mittleton" as he called her), as the greatest influence on his childhood and later on as a young man, Tolstoy. Wrote some of his most influential letters. Despite the constant presence of death, Tollie remembers his childhood in an unusual perspective. His first published work, Childhood (1852; Childhood), was his first fiction and memoir.

Educated at Home by a Teacher, Thomas Stoyer enrolled at the University of Kazakhstan in 1844 as a student of the Oriental language. Shortly thereafter, a bad experience forced him to move to a less demanding law school, where he wrote a comparison of French political philosopher Monteschuch, "spirit of the law" and great Catherine's order (introduction of the law). . Interested in literature and ethics, he turned to the works of English novelists Lavrence Stern and Charles Dickens, and in particular the work of the French philosopher Jean-Jackson Roosevelt. He wears a medallion with a statue of Roosevelt on the cross. But he spends most of his time trying to respect (socially), drink, gamble, and commit fornication. Leaving the university in 1847 without a diploma, Thomas Storrs returned to Irina Poliana, where he planned to educate himself, manage his property, and improve the property of Serra. Despite frequent decrees to change course, he died during his stay in Tula, Moscow and St. Louis. In 1851 he joined the older brother Nico, an army officer in Cocos, and then joined the army. He participated in campaigns against the local population and soon in the Crimean War (1853-56).

In 1847 Tolstoy began to save diaries, which became his laboratory for self-experimentation and later for his inventions. With some annoyance, Troy kept a diary throughout his life, and so he was one of the most humble, living writers of the book. Looking back on the life he led, his diary began with the belief that he could have contracted an STI. The diary captures the enthusiasm for law-making, while Tulser rules for various aspects of social and moral behavior. They also record the author's repeated disregard for these laws, his attempts to create new rules, which should honor the old and forgive himself often. Tolstoy's later belief that a complicated and messy life, never obeying the law or the philosophical system, could result from these futile attempts at self-control.

Initial publication

Hiding his identity, Tolsto sent "Childhood" for publication in a well-known journal, edited by "contemporary" poet Nikola Nekrasov. Nekrasov was caught and the nickname was widely praised. Over the next few years, Tolstoy published a series of short stories based on his experience in Cocos, including Riz (1853; Reed) and his three sketches on the siege of Sevastopol during the Crimean War: " Sevastopol v against December in December ")," Sevastopol v May "(" Sevastopol in May ") and" Sevastopol v. August 1855 "(" Sevastopol in August "), both published The first con 1855-56) layout discuss the bravery bravely won praise from the King. As a guide, the story illustrates Tolstoy's great interest and his lifelong concern for observing the good manners of others, and a second sketch related to the soldier's mind. This first) before being killed by a bomb. He claims that is not a real epic

The hero of my story - who I love with the power of my soul ... who is and always is beautiful - is real.

Since then, readers have noted Tolstoy's ability to produce "absolute language," which generally destroys aesthetic fiction.

After the Crimean War, Tolsto retired from the military and was first approved by the literary world in St. Petersburg. But the futility, dizziness, refusal to attend any intellectual camp, and his insistence on full independence made him an enemy to radical intelligence. He must remain a "monk" throughout his life, contrary to common intellectual tendencies. 1857 Tolsto went to Paris and returned after making some money on his own.

When he returned to Russia, he decided that his pedagogy was the right call for him, so he set up a school for peasant children at his property. After traveling to Western Europe to study theory, pedagogy and practice, he published 12 books of Iasna Poliana (1862-63), including his provocative article, "Progress and Definition of Education." ("Progress and the definition of education"), which historically has all the basic rules and "Who taught you to write the farmer's son with us?" Or with us in the bonus the farmers? " ("Who should learn to write to: We are farmers' children, or are we farmers?"), Which returns a simple answer to a question. Tolsto married Andreievni Bersi, the daughter of a prominent physician in Moscow in 1862, and soon transferred all his energy to marriage and to the composition of war and peace. Tolstoy and his wife had 13 children, 10 of whom survived the baby.

Tolstoy's works in the late 1850s and early 1860s experimented with new forms to illustrate his moral and philosophical problems. He soon added to his childhood (1854; slavery) and youth (1857; youth). Many of the stories revolve around a semi-autobiographical character, Dimitri Cook, who later appears as the hero of the Tolstoy novel. At Lucerne (1857; Lucerne), Tolsto first uses a diary to report an incident, then reflects its eternal significance and finally reflects his own thought process. All three deaths (1859, three deaths) describe the death of an aristocratic woman who could not face the fact that she was dying, a farmer who accepted death and, finally, a tree whose end was contrary to human causes. Soc. Only the author's conscious conscience includes these three events.

Holstomer (written in 1863; revised and published in 1886; Holstomer: A Horse Story) is known for using its beloved Thomas 'defamation instrument' - a description of general social practice. The stupid viewer who doesn't know them. . Readers are shocked to learn that Holstomer's main character and storyteller is an old horse. Like many of Tolsto's early works, the story revolves around the art and conditions of human society, a subject that dominates Thoracus (1863; Cissard). The hero of this piece, the melting pot and the atheist Diemory Olympian, was registered as a cadre for services in the Caucasus. Living among the Cossacks, he appreciates the value of life, which increasingly cares about natural and biological rhythms. In the center of the novel, Olinlin, while hunting in the wild, feels that every living thing, even the mosquitoes, is "as different as the dolphin." Recognizing the futility of his past life, he decides to live fully for others.

A great novel (1863-77)
After he happily married and met his wife and family in Iasnaia Poliana, Tolstoy reached the pinnacle of his creative power. He spent the rest of the 1860s writing war and peace. Then, after a break during which he considered writing a novel about Peter the Great and returning to pedagogy (bringing a book widely used for reading in literature), Tolsto wrote the novel His second great was Anna Carina. These two sections share a vision of human experience based on an appreciation of everyday life and human virtue.

War and Peace

War and Peace (1865-69; War and Peace) consists of three types of material: a historical account of the Napoleonic Wars, a biography of fictional characters, and a set of articles related to the philosophy of history. Critics from the 1860s to this day wonder how the three works fit together. With many accusing Tolstoy, including short stories, readers continue to respond to them with undeniable enthusiasm.

The historical piece talks about the 1805 campaign that led to Napoleon's success at the Battle of Aleit, the period of Napoleon's peace and invasion of Russia in 1812. As a scribe, I watch how historians describe him and the Russian general, Mikhail Kutuzov (who is despised) as an old man who understands the limits. Human will and plan. What is special is the battle scene of the novel, which portrays the battlefield as a complete chaos. Generals can imagine that they can "predict all random situations," but the battle is the result of "hundreds of millions of different opportunities" resolved by unforeseen circumstances. In war, as in life, no system or model can come close to being accountable for the endless complexity of human behavior.

Among the fictional characters of the book, the reader’s interest is directed first and foremost to Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, a proud man who despises everything false, small or simple. Recognizing the fabrication of high society, he joins the military for the prosperity he considers important. Injured at Agelith's, he found that Napoleon's fame was less expensive than that of the shop in St. Louis. As the novel progresses, Prince Andrev repeatedly shows the emptiness of the action he has devoted himself to. Tolstoy's description of his death in 1812 is usually considered one of the most effective scenes in Russian literature.

Another hero of the novel is Pierre Bizovov, a violent and honest man, wandering between believing in a philosophical system that promises to solve all problems, and total reliance puts him in despair. Finally, he reveals Tolsto's truth that wisdom should be sought not in the system but in the normal course of everyday life, especially in marriage to the novel's most prominent hero, Natasha. When the book stops - in fact, it doesn't end - it just ends - Pierre seems to have forgotten this lesson by adopting a new plan.

According to Tolstoy's opinion, that what is extravagant, daily pursuit of life, good or bad, a wise character does not really have her intellect but a simple and decent soldier, Natasha's brother and a woman Sadly, her sister Aniriyama. Their marriage symbolizes the central value of the novel.

The articles on war and peace, beginning in the second half of the book, illustrate attempts to establish common historical law and reject the absurd assumptions supported by all historical texts. From Tulker's point of view, history, such as combat, is a product of directionless and unanswered emergencies. The causes of historical events are diverse, unrelenting, and unrecognized, so this will faithfully quote historical writings that claim to explain the past. The form of historical narrative does not reflect the actual course of events, but is basically a literary criterion established by previous historical narratives.

According to Tolstoy's article, historians also make many closely related mistakes. They suggest that history is shaped by the plans and ideas of great people - whether they are generals or political or intellectual leaders like themselves, and its destiny is determined by the great moments that lead to big decisions. In fact, history is the sum of an infinite number of small decisions made by ordinary people whose actions are too unremarkable to be documented. As Tolsto explains, to assume that a major event creates history is to infer from the perspective of a distant region that only the top of the tree is visible, the area being nothing but a tree. Therefore, Tylstoy's novel offers readers countless examples of how each case has little impact - one of the reasons why war and peace have long lingered. Tolstoy's belief in the effectiveness of the simplicity and vanity of building a system puts him in opposition to his contemporaries. This is still one of the most controversial aspects of his philosophy.

Anna Karenina

At Anna Karenina (1875-77), Tollowo applied these ideas to family life. The first sentence of the novel, which shows his concern for the natives, is probably the most famous: every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. “Anna Karenina includes the story of three families: Olivia, Carina, and Levina.

The novel begins in Olonsky, where many of Dorothy's wives reveal the unfaithfulness of her husband and Siberia resident Steve. In her kindness, family focus and everyday life, Dolly plays the moral compass of the novel. Instead, though he does not want to get sick, Steve uses his family's neglect resources and takes pleasure in life's goals. Steve's figures may be intended to show that evil is no less than good, ultimately resulting from the small moral choices that humans make immediately.

On a positive note, Tolstoy's Christianity emphasizes five principles in recent decades: Don't be angry, don't swear, don't fight evil, and love your enemy. Not to combat evil, doctrines that inspire Gandhi do not mean that evil should be accepted, only bad meaning, especially violence, cannot be opposed. So Toldley became a pacifist. While governments rely on the threat of violence to enforce their laws, Tolstoy also becomes an anarchist type. He urged his followers not only to refuse military service, but also to vote or to go to court. Therefore, he is subject to a great deal of internal conflict when it comes time to do his will, or use copyrighted material, even for good works. It can be said that Tolstere was well aware that he had failed to follow his teaching.

Tolstoy based his work on oaths (including promises) on an idea adapted to his previous work: the inability to know the future, and therefore the danger of prior involvement. The agreement against lust eventually forced him to offer (in his preface to Sorrentz Sonata (1891; Kraserz Sonata), a dark novel about the man who murdered his wife), the full restraint of supremacy. Mindfulness. His wife, worried about their strained relationship, refused. Defending his most radical ideas, Tolsto likened Christianity to a lamp that could not be changed but carried it with people. It illuminates all new moral realms and demonstrates greater ideals as humanity progresses spiritually.

Fiction after 1880
Tolstoy's fiction after Anna Karenina can be divided into two groups. He wrote a number of moral stories for the common people, including "Where's the Lubb and God" (written in 1885, "Where's the Love of God"), and "Charlie Dizzie" (written in 1882, "The Living People"). ”) And how many people are needed on earth? Some of the works were successful, especially the death of Ivan Ilich (written in 1886, Ivan's death). And Ilich), a novel that describes a man’s gradual realization that he is dead and spends his brief time with his father. Sergius, who was considered a great man, knew that his reputation was not fundamentally protected from slumber, escaped the anonymous search of a simple and decent woman he had known as a child. She finally realizes that it is not him, but that she is a saint who, through imitation, cannot accept that true saints are ordinary people without knowing their goodness. Consequently, this seems to critique the ideas that Tylstoy expressed after he moved from the perspective of his previous great novels.

In 1899, Tolstoy published his third novel, The Revival. He used the royalties to pay for the transportation of the persecuted religious-Duk Baba to Canada. The hero of the novel, the ruthless aristocrat, Dmitry Nehlyudov, is in the jury where he knows the prostitute accused, Katyusha Maslov, of a woman he has seduced, thus committing her crime. After being jailed in Siberia, he decided to accompany her and if she agreed to marry her. In one of the most obvious novel exchanges, she accuses him of his hypocrisy: You used to enjoy me, and now you want to save me, she tells him. She refuses to marry him, but when the novel ends, Nekhliudov gains spiritual awakening when he finally realizes Tolstoy's truth, especially the vanity of judging others. The most famous parts of the novel offend the Church and justice, but the work is generally thought to be inferior to war and peace to the Anacondians.

Tolstoy's move prompted him to write several tracts and articles related to the arts. At times, he appeared in more extreme forms than the ideas he always adhered to (i.e. his reluctance to fashion school), but at times he supported ideas that were not compatible with his novels, which he rejected. What is ART? (1898; What is art?) He argues that true art requires a sensitive evaluation of a particular experience, a specific emotion that is expressed to the reader, not by suggestion but by "contamination." According to Troy, the most famous works of high art come not from practical experience, but from understandable heritage of existing art. So they are fake works that are not art. Tolstoy then divided the true art into good and bad, based on the moral sensitivity with which the work affected his audience. Judging the most famous works, including William Shakespeare's plays, as well as his great novels, no matter how bad or bad, Tolstoy praised Joseph's biblical history, and among the works of Russia - House of the Dead by Fedor Dostoyevsky (1861-62). ) And some stories by his young friend Anton Chekhov. However, he is a favorite of the banjo films and has been told by famous Czechs that his performance is worse than Shakespeare's.

Tolstoy's later works include plays, plays, "Living Corpse" (written in 1900, "The Living Corpse"), and the tumultuous account of farmer's life: The Power of Darkness (written in 1886, The Power of Darkness). Dark). After his death, a number of unpublished works appeared, including the novel Haji-Murat (1904; Haji-Murad), one of the great Caucasus stories recounted in Tolstoy's classic fiction. .

In recent years

With the exception of his daughter Alexandra, whom he succeeded, Tolstoy's family remained devoted or hated by his students. His wife was furious at the constant presence of VG-led students. Chertkova in Iasnaia Poliana. Their happy life has turned into one of the most famous bad marriages in the history of literature. The story of his idiosyncrasy and fanaticism to the scene caused many biographers' excitement in one direction or another. Since they both keep a diary and actually change and comment on each other's logs, their quarrels are almost always recorded.

Concerned about his life situation and the contradiction between his life and his principles in 1910, Tolsto finally escaped the anonymity of Isan Napolein, accompanied by Alexander and his doctors. Despite the closure and the desire for privacy, the international press was able to promote their movement soon. He suffered from pneumonia for several days and died of heart failure at Astapov train station.


Unlike other psychotherapists such as Dostovsky, who specializes in unconscious processes, Tolvie describes conscious mental life with incomparable skills. His name has become synonymous with assessing emergencies and the value of everyday activities. Alternating between the wonder and the difference in confidence, Tolstoy explores different approaches to human experience. Initially, his greatest works were War and Peace, and Anna Karenna was seen as the pinnacle of real fiction.



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